

Hey there! I started a journey in July of last year (2011) to eating clean foods. I cut out all processed foods, dairy, legumes, grains, nuts, the list goes on! The reason? To clean up my gut, get healthy, and lose weight. Guess what? It worked! I have added back some foods to my diet (obviously NOT processed foods) and have been searching the web for recipes that are to my standards. They are very hard to come by! So, I decided to start my own recipe blog and post such recipes as I find them, make them and make them “clean” or just come up with the ideas myself.  All recipes I post will pass the taste test of myself, hubby, and daughter. All authors will get credit and I will supply a link to the original recipe. Everything here will be gluten-free and almost everything will be dairy free (may add a small amount of hard white cheese once in a while which can be omitted). I hope you enjoy my blog, don’t forget to like it, share it, pin it, and print it! I am open to suggestions and requests so don’t hesitate to contact me! Happy clean eating and enjoy!